POST-UPDATE: If you won a prize tonight we will try to send everything out by the end of the week (hardcopies) and will try to send digital prizes out in the next few days. We may need to email you first to get shipping information, etc. Thanks for your patience! We didn’t expect this kind of response.
I’m super-excited to announce that tonight at 9PM (EST) author Leah Good and I will be hosting a hangout on Facebook in celebration of the release of her new book Counted Worthy.
UPDATE: For those who aren’t on Facebook, Leah and I will also be accepting and responding to questions on this post starting at 9PM (EST). RSVP by leaving a comment below.
Here are FIVE good reasons EVERYONE should attend:
- This is your chance to ask Leah and me (Brett Harris) anything you want about anything you want. You’ll have our undivided attention for an hour-and-a-half.
- Aspiring writers (fiction or non-fiction) can ask us any questions about writing, publishing (self-publishing or traditional publishing), and promoting your books.
- We’re giving away super-cool prizes like autographed copies of Counted Worthy, Do Hard Things, Start Here, desktop wallpapers, letter-writing kits for the persecuted church, etc. — and everyone gets something.
- You’ll be helping launch a talented new author (Leah) and learn about her amazing new book (Counted Worthy).
- You’ll be the first to learn about the Counted Worthy Street Team and have a chance to sign-up before anyone else.
We’d love to see you tonight. All you have to do is visit the event page on Facebook and click to RSVP. Then, please help us spread the word by inviting your friends. For those of you who have already read Counted Worthy, this is a great chance to introduce your friends and family to the book.
Finally, here’s a sneak preview of some Counted Worthy wallpapers (one of our giveaways):
Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section!
There are currently 6 Comment(s)
There are currently 6 Comment(s)
Sounds great! Is this event on EST?
Yep, 9 PM EST.
This makes me wish I had Facebook.
Hey Alana! There’s no reason we can’t be in two places at once. Let me talk to Leah and see if we could have people participate on here as well.
Yes, it is. 9PM EST. Hope you can join us!
…I would want Facebook just for this event.
Haha! That’s great Liam. Well, hopefully you can join us for at least part of the event right here on this post. =)
I’ll do that, I will also try and ask my mother to use her facebook for the live hangout.
That’s a great idea. =)
Can’t wait!
Will the giveaways be available on here as well??
Hey TW! We might have to do some fancy juggling, but yes. My goal is to let people on here experience the same thing as the people on Facebook.
What do you mean by doing it here? Like a video chat? Or just live chat?
Thanks Brett!! 🙂 I’m almost positive that I’ll be here for a little while at least 😉
It won’t be video, Liam. We’ll be posting giveaways and answering questions using Disqus. It will all be typed.
But in the future we might try doing video. That’s a great idea!
Ok, thanks!
I’ll be here on this post, Brett 🙂
Oh how I wish I could attend……huzzah crammed high school schedules. :-/
Bummer, Talia! I’m sorry you can’t join us, but I understand. =/
Great! Thanks Amanda.
I think that is such a cool idea!
And thanks for letting non-Facebook people be here too. 😉
Awesome! This will be so cool!
To everyone planning to participate here on this page, Brett and I just talked, and we’ll be including all of you in everything going on right on this page. 🙂 That includes the Q&A and the giveaways! Start thinking about what you’d like to ask us. 😉
I’ll be here! I really appreciate you guys making an effort to include those who aren’t on Facebook. 🙂
Yay! So glad we non-Facebookies can take part 😉
Absolutely! Non-Facebookies are important too!
I am excited that non Facebook members get to participate! So excited to read your book Leah and be apart of this discussion!
Super excited to have you, Miss M! Thanks for joining us.
I’ll be there for sure, no doubt about it!
Wow, this is cool! I am excited!
This is great timing…
I got my copy today, the launch party is today, and I have no school tomorrow for Veteran’s Day!
I can do the facebook hangout!!! Will it say (join) when it starts?
You need to RSVP using the big button above and then clicking “going” on the right hand side of the Facebook page.
I have done that. How do I get into the video chat?
Well, it’s official! The launch party has begun. Thank you all so much for joining us! Feel free to ask Brett and I questions whenever you’d like. Enter giveaways by replying to the comment and saying you’d like to win! 🙂 Winners will be selected by a random number generator.
Hey Liam, there’s no video this time around. Just comments and replies, etc. =)
The grand prize giveaway is a book bundle containing Counted Worthy, Do Hard Things, and Start Here. This giveaway will remain open for the entire party. To enter, reply to this comment saying you’d like to win!
you mean reply to your comment?
I’d like to win!
I would love to win!!!
me too
I’d like to win!!!! Two thumbs up!
Sorry Amanda. I’ll make a separate comment for each giveaway. Reply to those comments to enter. 😉
got it 🙂 guess i replied to the first one then
Oh. Lol, my bad. Well I am on.
I would like to win! 😀
Is self-publishing better than traditional publishing? And which one is more worth it?
I have a question that could go out to either Brett or Leah. A friend and I are writing book and we’re seriously considering self-publishing. How much does that cost?
How do you get publicized? Does a publisher do advertising for you, or do you have to do your own either way?
Hey Benjamin, it really depends on the person and the book. The short answer is that more and more self-publishing has become a very viable option for new authors and even established authors with book contracts with major publishers. It’s not either/or really. Many authors are doing both.
I have a question for Leah… Where did you get the idea for Counted Worthy?
Feel free to follow up with more questions along these lines, Benjamin, or anyone else.
Do you guys have any tips/advice for writers block?
I think I do. 😛
What is the best first step to take when you want to get your book published?
It’s not the killing off character ones, is it? XP
Well, that does help. Lol.
Here’s another awesome prize. We have two (2) of these kits and will pick two random people to win. Just respond to this comment to enter. We can only ship to the United States, unfortunately.
Response to me? Well I would just ask and pray for inspirations, and whenever you have an idea throughout the day write it down! Then write off those ideas once you have done research, or feel inspired to do so.
I would enjoy one!
Hey Amanda, could you try posting this question as it’s own comment, rather than a reply on the giveaway? Thanks!
I’ll enter.
I’ll enter! I can’t tell if I already commented… It said I already commented when I didn’t…
I like that! Thanks, Liam 🙂
I’ll enter too
I can’t keep up with anything. New posts every five seconds.
Something I do when I have writer’s block is rewrite some of my other chapters. Kind of like editing.
That sounds really cool!!!
I’ve found that writer’s block is often the result of poor planning, so I don’t know what I’m supposed to be working on when I sit down to write, or it’s because I’m being too picky with myself and trying to edit as I go.
I find that if I set a timer for 25 minutes and just focus on getting as many words out as I can in that amount of time (killing my internal editor basically) that I can really avoid writer’s block most of the time.
Does that help?
no kidding lol it’s kinda fun though
Yeah. And re-read them too.
Hey Miss M! Where are you in the whole book-writing process? Do you have a book? An idea for a book?
Great advice. I’ll have to try it sometime.
I can’t keep up either!
Yes, thank you! 😀
When will the prize results come in?
Thanks Aubrie!
Sounds great! I’m in!
I have two books that are being worked on currently, one is closer to being done. I am working on finishing up the last few chapters and editing what I already have. I then have WAY too many ideas the Lord has given me and not nearly enough time to write.
How do you get your book publicized–does a publisher do advertising for you or do you have to advertise yourself either way? I’m not sure I know what it means to “self-publish”
Neither route is better than the other. Self-publishing provides you with control of the entire process, but it also puts all the pressure on you to make sure the book is well written, edited, designed, marketed, etc. It’s a lot easier to enter the market with self-publishing though. I’ll let Brett elaborate on the traditional process.
What was the inspiration for ‘Counted Worthy’?
Unless you pay people to advertise, or get someone to support your book/movie (like the rebelution did for Leah’s book) I don’t think there is any other way. From what I’ve seen.
How do you get a traditional publisher?
Are these fiction or non-fiction?
In regards to knowing what to write, I find that if at the end of my last writing session I write even just a sentence or two of ideas of where I want to go from there (even if it’s very rough) it allows my brain to pick right back up where I left off when I return.
How do you get a publisher to publish your book–do you just email them or something? And do they have certain standards you have to meet with punctuation and grammar and such? Is it better to find a publisher before or after you write the book?
What steps did you use to get started? I write a little on and off, but I always end up writing myself into a corner, how do you prevent that?
That’s very helpful! Have you ever written fiction, Brett?
This verse started it, Zipporah. “And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. –Acts 5:41” It grew from that into a short story. And from a short story into a full novel. The book Secret Believers was a major source of inspiration as well.
One is non-fiction but the one that is further along is fiction. most of the ideas the Lord has given me so far will also be fiction.
We’ll be announcing them gradually throughout the night. The grand prize won’t be announced until the end.
To be traditionally published means someone pays you to acquire your book. They then help you through the editing, design, and marketing processes. When you self-publish, you do all of that on your own.
Traditional publishers no longer help as much as they used to with marketing, but they do give name-recognition and the validation of their publishing reputation. When you self-publish, you have to build name recognition from the ground up.
will we get an email if we win or do we have to be on here watching for it?
I would love to win this give away!!
I saw Leah already gave you a great answer, but I’d just add that no matter whether you publish traditionally or self-publish you will have to do most of your own promotion these days. It largely depends on the author to get people aware of their book.
I think that I like the sound of traditional publishing better:)
haha me too!!
Most publisher’s these days aren’t so much looking for a great idea as they are looking for someone with a platform: meaning someone who already has people listening to them. For example, with Do Hard Things publishers were really impressed with our website, conferences, etc. because they showed that we already had an audience for our book.
It depends on the book. If you are writing fiction you have to write the entire manuscript before you start trying to get published (unless you are already a major author). If you are writing non-fiction you typically write what’s called a book proposal, where you outline the book and your credentials and platform, etc. and submit that to acquisition editors who decide whether they want to offer you a contract to write the book with their publishing house.
I see…sounds complicated!
Although you don’t get as much say in your book if you go into traditional writing.
What if you write a whole book before thinking about publishers–do you still have to do all that?
Wow, thanks! I am always interested in how books get started, and finished.
How long ago did you come up with the idea, Leah??
Where do you get the patience to finish a book? I’ve only completed one twenty-page book, and have tried to start new ones.
It would be wonderful to be able to use one of these kits again and support a brother or sister in Christ.
We have our first GIVEAWAY WINNERS!
Amanda (here on TR.com) and Sydnie Castor (on Facebook) win the Letter Writing Kits from Voice of the Martyrs! Congratulations.
Please sign up with your emails at the following link, Amanda and Syndie, so we can contact you about getting your prizes to you: eepurl.com/75G9T
Brett just posted the winners for the first giveaway. 😉
How long on average does it take to write a book?
I would like to win! 🙂
I started learning how to write well when my parents got me the One Year Adventure Novel curriculum. That guides you through the process of outlining your book (which helps prevent writing yourself into a corner). You can learn about the writing process from other sources too. Like Go Teen Writers, by Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson.
Discipline! It’s one of those hard things that just takes practice. Don’t allow yourself to start a new story until you complete the one you’re working on. Jot the new story ideas down as a summary in a notebook and tuck it away for later. Then keep working on your current project!
Did I do it right?
It’s different for everyone, Aubrie! It usually take me a little over a month to write a rough draft. And then I spend many more months agonizing over editing. 😛 Some people write their first drafts more slowly and spend less time editing.
This is an amazing novel that EVERYONE should read. But now you could win a copy for free — and autographed by Leah too!
Same routine! Comment on this post to enter. We’ll be picking TWO WINNERS randomly for this prize. We can only ship to the USA.
I’d like to enter
I really want to read this book! 🙂
I really want to read this book!!!
That is some good advice. I am definitely not good at finishing what I start!
I’d love to win!! 😀
Yes you did! We’ll contact you after everything settles down here! 😉
OK thank you 🙂
What kind of book have you written, Amanda?
I have read some of the sample, and it is amazing! I would love to enter!
Honestly. Benjamin, many authors are finding way more success in self-publishing than in traditional publishing. It really depends on the person and the book. But my perspective is that there isn’t one BEST answer between the two.
For one book?! Oh my goodness! Only a month. A friend and I have been working on our book for almost a year.
I’m so in! I would love to win this book!
Thanks for the advice.
Sign me up!
Really a year?!
I’ll enter. 🙂
Yeah. When my dad said that sounded like a long time I just kind of brushed it off. But wow! I didn’t realize how long it really was!
That would be great.
Awesome! I got that curriculum a few years ago but never got through it, I guess I’ll work on it through Christmas break 🙂
If I tried to write a book in a year, would that be considered rushing? How long should it usually take?
Aubrie, I thought that over a year was the typical… I also have been working on a book for over a year. 🙂
That’s what I thought too. That makes me feel better. What’s your book about, Miss M?
I’d love to win!
That’s absolutely not rushing it. A bunch of crazy writers spend the month of November trying to write rough drafts in one month. One year is a great amount of time to take writing a book.
Gotta love NaNoWriMo!
OK good to know. 🙂 Yeah I actually know one of those crazy people–“national novel writing month” or something.
The one that I have been working on for a long time is a old western story about the promises of God and having faith through the ordinary and tough times. I always love old western stories, but most are not that great and are too sappy, or focused around romance. So when I prayed the Lord would give me a good book to read He gave me a book to write instead. 🙂 What is your book about?
I’d love to read it!
Ya, when I was writing my “25 page” novel it only took two months! I think I rushed it.
Well, with non-fiction you are far better served by working on building a platform than you are by trying to write a book. A platform is your circle of influence: people who listen to you. Leading a small group study or otherwise sharing the lessons you want to write about and getting feedback and building credibility on that topic will be far more appealing to a publisher than a finished book and no platform. Does that make sense?
How do you make your novel not sound plain but descriptive and detailed?
Hey guys! I’m going to be going to college soon and have no idea where to start. I can’t make up my mind about anything and was just wondering what your advice would be.
My 12-year old sister’s participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I’m sure it’s a great writing work-out!
How can you write a non-fiction Christian book without just repeating what everyone else is saying? I have trouble coming up with anything someone else hasn’t already talked about.
Thank you for the feedback and yes, that makes sense. I already lead small groups, speak at conferences, and am on the board of an organization that uses a lot of of the principles I write on (animals being used to point people to Christ). However I do not use social media very much, I use Youtube for films I help produce but that is it. Would you recommend branching out in the area of social media?
For a fiction book do you (or Leah) have any tips on the best first step to take?
I looked back through my files and realized I wrote the original first-chapter-short-story (which I think I wrote the day after I got the idea) in December 2012.
I think it would be cool if there are more Christian fiction novels that have good, well thought out plots, mystery, sci-fi, or adventure. Counted Worthy, from what I have heard, sounds really awesome! I hope there will be more books like that!
It’s about people being captured and taken to an underground world and put into slavery. Christianity is outlawed there and the main characters are punished for practicing it. You’re book sounds good! I’ve already started writing the sequel to mine… I get sidetracked easily.
Brett could probably address this better than I can, but here’s what I think. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun, so you’ll never find a topic that no one else has covered. The trick is to put an new spin on an old topic. For example, there are TONS of books out there for teens. And there are many out there that try to help parents motivate and discipline teens. Alex and Brett took that old topic and put a new spin on it when they wrote Do Hard Things.
Me too! 🙂 I know Randy Alcorn has written some novels if you want to check them out–I’m reading his book Lord Foulgrin’s Letters right now which is really good
How do you develop your story’s character without making the first few chapters boring?
sign me up! 🙂
Narnia is another great fiction and Christian novel!
What I suggest is a flashback. That’s what I’m doing in my book.
We have our second batch of winners! Nicole Bingham and Exzel Tadeo have won signed copies of Counted Worthy. Congratulations!
Please sign up with your emails at the following link, Nicole and Exzel, so we can contact you about getting your prizes to you: eepurl.com/75G9T
Your book sounds like a great way to point people to Christ! It is so hard to focus on a current book. I seem to find myself thinking about others I want to write almost more than the current one (even though I know this is the one the Lord has called me to for now). 🙂
Cool Idea!
Here! 🙂
That makes sense.
Thanks! No kidding. I have the same problem.
Ok, thanks! I will have to keep that book in mind!
Thanks. I know that’s not really describing the characters but at least you won’t lose your readers before the book even begins. 🙂
Do you ever look up and realize that your main character, or another one, is who you hope/think you would be in a certain situation?
Ya, I always hope I could be as cool as the characters I write about:)
Absolutely. Social media is important. But even more than that, I would recommend trying to develop a good opt-in email list of people who want to hear from you. An email list is even more effective than social media in reaching the people who care about what you have to say — so do both!
I agree.
Thank you, that is a wonderful idea! I have done an email list for my films, but never for my writing.
Next giveaway is live! Signed copy of Do Hard Things. Leave a comment to enter! We are picking TWO winners but can only ship to the US.
That would be neat to receive.
For sure! Many times as I was writing Counted Worthy, I tried to make Heather authentic by trying to decide how I would think/act/feel in the situations she was in. I hope I would do as well as she does!
I have read the book, loved it, but i don’t own it. A signed copy!
I love this book but gave mine away a while back to someone who wanted it. I would love to have it again to read and review.
Force them to make difficult decisions. The best way to reveal the nature of a person is to throw them into difficult situations and watch how they react. Don’t feel like you need to tell your readers your character is honest. Instead, let them watch as he refuses to cheat on a test or returns something he really likes to it’s rightful owner. If you use conflict to reveal character, the first few chapters won’t be boring!
What are your tips for the best way to edit/re-write your novel? I finished mine a couple years ago and I’m still struggling with that process.
How long are you guys doing this? Till 10:30?
I love the ‘do hard things’ book! It would be really cool to own, I would like to re-read it!
You can check out my blog, (http://leahegood.com) for other novel suggestions. 😉
Count me in! 🙂
I’m just glad I’m not the only person who does this 🙂 Spinning stories in my mind.
I’m in!
I am pretty sure that’s the time.
Do you still have the original short story….? It’s going to be a priceless piece of history now!
is it too late to join the facebook hangout?
17 minutes left.
MailChimp is a great free service that only charges you when you send emails. It also provides a lot of free education on best practices so you can make sure you do things right.
A friend of mine said that you’ll never be finished re-writing and/or re-editing your novel, but that someday you have to be finished editing the book.
I thought it was 11:00, but I’m probably wrong.
On the facebook page it says 10:30
I had a feeling I was wrong:)
where do I join? I was unable to post on facebook.
big red button in the post above
Click the join on the top right corner.
Ha! 🙂
Um…I think so. I emailed it to a friend and I think I still have the email.
Time is running out! And so quickly!
This is so awesome! I’d love to win:)
Grant, someone with your last name won something. Nicole Bingham?
I know! It’s crazy how fast it’s flown by!
Leah – what is your favorite scene in Counted Worthy and why?
Any other advice on writing? I’ll take anything right now!
= my moms Facebook, I’m not used to the interface though, getting annoying (was ready to quit Facebook and use discus, then I won so…).
Lucky you……….:P
ikr, totally didn’t expect to actually win something
Yeah. There are a ton of people on Facebook, good thing there not here or it would major crowded.
me neither!
yeah, wonder if the site would crash…?
lol hope not
The final scene in chapter nine, when Heather and Bryce go into the warehouse, is my favorite. It’s serious, but it’s also a more lighthearted moment in the book. And I love the dynamics between Bryce and Heather!
I think that happened once…
It is! There’s been so much participation! Thank you!
it did, just recently (I think).
yeah they talked about it in the book i think
Read great books (don’t waste time with good ones). Reading great authors is the best way to learn to write great books.
Then, write, write, write. Reading about writing can only get you to the starting line. The real race is run by putting words down on the page.
Develop a writing habit. Write every day for 10 minutes. A reliable habit will accomplish far more for you over your lifetime than bursts of inspiration.
That was what I was referring to. Thanks.
Hmm, interesting.
yeah……. don’t quote me on that 😉
Great idea–I’ll have to try that!
Thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions!
Do we have the results for the contest?
Thank you so much Brett and Leah for taking the time to do this!! You have been so encouraging to so many of us. Thanks for all the advice!
That’s one great thing about writing books: you can create your favorite scenes!
We have our winners! Erica O’Neal (on Facebook) and Zipporah (on TheRebelution.com) have won signed copies of Do Hard Things! Congratulations!
Please sign up with your emails at the following link, Erica and Zipporah, so we can contact you about getting your prizes to you: eepurl.com/75G9T
Yes! Thank you very much Brett and Leah! I so appreciate the insight and encouragement!
Yes, definitely!
Is that the last of the giveaways?
You’re so welcome! I wish we could have taken more time for each question, but this was just crazy! So many people showed up! We’ll have to do it again.
i think there’s still the grand prize
Nope! We have to announce the grand prize and also the prize that everyone gets! Stay tuned!
Wow!!! I am so excited!!!
Thank you so much for attending, Amanda!
If I understand you right, when I find that I’m just puttering along and totally forgetting about being more descriptive, I just stop. I try to mentally place myself where my characters are in the book, and I look around. Is it windy? Cold? What do the surroundings look like? Try to experience it and then just let your thoughts flow into words. That’s what works for me… I hope it makes some sense!
Yeah totally!
I love having all three of these side-by-side in my library!
Cool! Thank you!
Man! I came upon this website because my writing teacher assigned an essay about Malala Yousafzai! Who would’ve known I would’ve grown to love checking on it so much!
Here is the prize that EVERYONE wins! Get a nifty Counted Worthy wallpaper for your computer by signing up here: eepurl.com/75G9T
One more giveaway before we announce the GRAND PRIZE winners. E-book copies of Counted Worthy — which even our international friends can win. Whoohoo! Enter by leaving a comment. We will pick SIX WINNERS!
It won’t let me submit my email address for the wallpaper because I’m already subscribed to the email list
I can not wait to read this book! I will definitely be buying it!
I’m in!
ya, me 2
Yay!!! I’d like to enter!
I would love to read this book! 🙂
I’d like to win!
and now I can’t even find the comment announcing it so I can’t go back and try again
I’m in too!
How do we download the wallpaper? All I did was sign up to the subscription list.
so weird. brett what would you do if you got that message saying it can’t go through since we’re already subscribed?
Yup! We’ll be emailing you the wallpaper sometime tomorrow. We have so many people we can’t quite keep up with delivering things as we go. =P Thanks for understanding.
yeah Brett, what would you do in my shoe?
and it totally disappeared too
Brett replied to me saying that if you signed up for the wallpaper it will be emailed sometime tomorrow. So if you already are signed up then you’ll probably get the email tomorrow as well.
Drum roll please! We have our GRAND PRIZE WINNER: Brittany Whitley!
Please sign up with your email at the following link, Brittany, so we can contact you about getting your prizes to you: eepurl.com/75G9T
i’m not signed up for it yet
You’re probably still signed up from when you won.
maybe so–good thought
that is really cool!
Do we still need to stay tuned for the e-book results?
I got the book Do Hard Things for my birthday a few months ago but never read it but now I’m almost through with it! Because I read so much about it on this website.
It is really an amazing book. More people need to read it! It only took me a week to read it but I keep going back to it for reference 🙂
i found it 🙂
Yup! I’m about to announce them. =)
Sounds good!
And we have our SIX WINNERS for the Counted Worthy e-book:
Crystal Guyette van Achterberg, Liam (on TheRebelution.com), Aubrie Gotcher (on TheRebelution.com), Angela Lynn Pearson, Lynda Pfaff Lee, and Christine Taft! Congratulations everyone!
Please sign up with your email at the following link, Crystal, Liam, Aubrie, Angela, Lynda, and Christine, so we can contact you about getting your prizes to you: eepurl.com/75G9T
Thanks for the discussion;)
Yeah thanks again guys!! Talk to y’all later 🙂
Thank you EVERYONE for coming! It was a blast. And I’m so glad y’all got to participate!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!
congrats 🙂
Congratulations Liam!
Thanks for the great answers to my questions!
IF YOU WON A PRIZE TONIGHT: We will try to send everything out by the end of the week (hardcopies) and will try to send digital prizes out in the next few days. We may need to email you first to get shipping information, etc. Thanks for your patience! We didn’t expect this kind of response.
As we close things out, let me just say this:
I have thrown myself into supporting Leah and Counted Worthy because I think it deserves to succeed. Leah has written an amazing book. Every young person in America should read it. It’s that good.
But Counted Worthy doesn’t have a big marketing team (just Leah and me). It will only reach your friends and family if YOU tell them about.
So please help us. If you’d like materials from us to help you tell others about this new book, sign up for the Street Team at the following link:
SIGN-UP NOW: http://eepurl.com/75G9T
You can only sign-up once, so you already signed up to get the wallpaper when you signed up for your other prize. =)
That’s so great, Amanda and Aubrie!
Whoa, is it over? I just remembered to get back on here… 😛
Oh, whoops, just needed to refresh the page to see everything…hehe…awkward….
Sorry you missed it, Sam! It was a great time. Hopefully you can join us if we do it again sometime.
Meaning your copy of Counted Worthy came in? Picture please? 🙂
Even if you don’t follow the map precisely, I’d strongly recommend watching all of the video lectures and studying the compass.
I am currently waiting for my copy of Do Hard Things! After having scanned through some of the contents in the book I’m very excited to read it. I also have scanned Counted Worthy and hope to get my hands on the book before the end of the year. 🙂
I know this is over, but does anyone use pen names?
I just finished reading Do Hard Things yesterday and i really enjoyed it. It was an extra credit book to read at my school for English class and i started to read it a week ago. it really made me think and has been making me want to do something that will impact others. I agree with Amanda, others should read it too.
I just read the sample of Counted Worthy and it looks really good. can’t wait to read it.
I read your book Brett, Do Hard Things, I wish that every person in America could and would read it. It would show people that just because we are teens that we to be defined as trouble.
I Love counted worthy it is exciting rebelutionary and packed with awesome scriptures