rebelling against low expectations

AuthorKyla Hardee

Kyla Hardee is a nineteen-year-old living in Indiana, who has a passion to spread the light of Christ as we await his imminent return. She loves writing, singing, reading, scheduling, and spending time with her parents and five siblings. She has a strong desire for teens to fight worldliness in their pursuit of godliness, and she writes about this and other topics on her blog, Lives Transformed.

Should We Follow Our Dreams?


I follow my dreams. In fact, you do too. Each day, we form new dreams, develop old ones, and hold them up high as our ultimate destination. I have dreamed of becoming many things—a missionary, a doctor, a mom, a wife, a writer, a singer, and a princess, among other things. Although my dreams have changed with time and age, I have held on tightly to each one, often unwilling to let them go. I’ve...

4 Songs That Are My 2022 Anthem


2021 was many different things for me. It was a year of many joys, yet confusion. Moving forward, yet reflection. Busyness, yet apathy. It was the year that transitioned me from high school to college. It was the year that I experienced some of my favorite memories, but also a year where I experienced much loneliness, chaos, and stress. I moved to the big city of Indianapolis in the summer of...

January 22, 1973: Remembering the Lives Lost Since the Decision of Roe v. Wade


Since the decision made in Roe v. Wade that protected abortion, sixty-two million innocent unborn children have been killed. I, along with many others, am grieved by this massive loss of life. Such mass genocide is comparable to the Holocaust, which led to the deaths of eleven million victims. Shockingly, abortion has caused fifty-one million more deaths even than those who suffered during the...

3 Lessons on Life and Trusting God that I Learned From My First Relationship


Recently, I embarked on a new sort of journey. One I had previously never known or experienced. I began my first committed relationship for the purpose of marriage. During that relationship, I experienced such a wide spectrum of emotions and grappled with my view of myself, God, and others. As I look back over that short journey, I cannot help but see several lessons the Lord taught me along the...

Why Is the World So Broken?


The world is ripe with brokenness. Natural disasters rage, conflicts ensue, and bitterness stirs within. Death is rampant and suffering is widespread. Around 690 million people go to bed hungry every night, and approximately 150,000 people die daily. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, thus separating families, and suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Where...

How Should Christians Respond to Critical Race Theory?


What do you think of when you hear the term Critical Race Theory? You may picture protests, news headlines, or conversations you’ve had concerning this idea. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become a buzzword that almost everyone has heard of. Although it’s not a new idea, it has become a hot topic in our society that demands a response. But do we really know what it is and what it means? As...

To the Author of the Universe: A Prayer for Writers


As I sit down to write, I often forget that my words are not my own. There are many times when I forget that I must seek the Lord and ask him for guidance when I relay my thoughts into words. I often forget that the Lord deserves to be extolled through the words that I write. Words have the ability to either destroy or to build up, and this is a responsibility that I cannot carry alone. Like many...

What Lord Of the Rings Taught Me About Trusting God During Trials


I consider myself a Lord of the Rings nerd. Well, maybe enthusiast is a better word. I don’t know about you, but I am fascinated by talking trees, tiny people with an insane amount of grit, daring escapes, fiery depths, and yes, even a wizard who whispers to moths. But I do not only love this story for these reasons (although they’re all really good reasons). I love this story because...

Three Truths for the Teen Struggling with Friendships


Tears. Again and again. Fear. Fear that the vicious cycle will send you tumbling off your feet once more. Friendships involve edging out of the shadows and into the piercing light. Friendships involve risk. A lot of risk. Friendships sometimes tear your heart to pieces, while at other times, build you up tremendously. While they come with their fair share of pain, friendships are so worth it. But...

Jesus Is Our Hope In Times of Grief


There I sat. My face in my hands, and my grief cascading down between my fingers in crystal drops. My heart felt as if it was being rendered in two. I was in shock, and the full gravity had not yet completely settled within my aching soul. I kept hearing his voice, and I kept seeing his face. Deep within I felt a massive loss. This was goodbye to an amazing friend, support, and grandfather. How...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →