rebelling against low expectations


One Question Every Teen Needs to Ask About Love and Romance


Do you have a list? You know, a list of the qualities you want in a future spouse. Some people have general lists that may or may not be written down. Others get a little more specific and put down preferred hair and eye color or even what musical instruments or sports they want their significant other to play. I once heard of a girl who had a list nine pages long, detailing everything from birth...

Prepare For Battle: The Key to Defeating Satan and His Lies


Doing hard things is hard. The words aren’t just the catch-phrase for a movement, but a reality. Doing hard things takes determination, grit, and die-hard commitment to push through the pain. Right now, I’m on the brink of the biggest hard thing I’ve ever done. Throughout my journey as a rebelutionary, I’ve done things that terrified me. I’ve grown stronger and braver. I’ve tested the limits of...

To the Girl Who “Just Wants to be a Mom”—Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Calling


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It was my least favorite question when I was a little girl. “Oh, I don’t know,” I would casually reply. In reality, I wanted to be a mom, but I couldn’t quite figure out why I was so ashamed of that. My parents were always supportive of my dream to get married and raise my own children someday. They love that this is still a dream of mine, which I...

3 Ways To Prepare for the School Year


Over the past couple of days, I’ve been making shopping plans. Not the going-to-the-mall-and-buying-clothes kind of shopping. This is about notebooks, backpacks, and all the other things I need to get before I leave for college in just a couple of weeks. The shopping lists on my whiteboard have been getting longer and longer as I try to figure out where and when to buy socks, sheets, and extra...

“Here I Am, Send Me”: 6 Areas to Consider Before Entering Missions

International mission work has increasingly been on my heart lately. If only you could see the passion in my eyes and hear it in my voice as I say that! After attending the Cross Conference in January, I texted some friends, “This is what I was created for!” I’ve been poring over Isaiah 6, when he is commissioned, reading it over and over again with a longing heart. Verse 8 says, “And I heard the...

Your Current Suffering Is Your Future Preparation


In my world, until I was fourteen, hard things only happened to other people. People I didn’t know, except by proxy, who my family would pray for, and my parents would discuss sadly. Not my friends and family. Not me. When My Life Fell Apart I’m not talking about the everyday ups and downs life gives us. I’m talking about the heart-breaking tragedies so many of God’s children face. The deaths of...

I Thought God Led Me Here–Why Would He Lead Me Out?


Like many young people, I finished high school with only a vague notion of what God wanted me to do with my life. My interests in novel writing, acting, and fashion design were artsy and impractical. To further complicate matters, I struggled with a terrible chronic illness, so for a couple of years my entire focus was on getting healthy. And even then, I had to face the fact that I might never...

“Come Along and Find Out”–Worrying about the Future


It’s school season (if you haven’t noticed). And with it, the school season brings many things: friends, full-schedules, the thrill of learning, homework, late night study sessions, early morning study sessions, teachers, tests, projects, drama–it goes on and on. But what it brings the most is a pile of unknowns. And with the unknowns come questions… Questions about whether you’ll be...

7 Things To Remember As You Begin Your First Year of College


I once had this perception of college. The perception that every single college student has it all together. That while I’m still floundering, these students have their lives figured out at age eighteen. That while I contemplate and wonder if this is God’s will for my life, they somehow have the ability to know the future and every plan God has ordained for them. I would stress and feel...

The 5 Principles Behind Doing Hard Things


Do Hard Things. It’s something most of us have heard said so many of times. It’s a motto. It’s something we say to motivate each other. It’s a catchphrase– a saying. But if we’re not careful, that’s all it is. The Rebelution movement first began years ago by two teenagers wanting to break the status quo and truly do something meaningful. They made a choice to break past the low expectations...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →