rebelling against low expectations


Your Dreams Can’t Save You


Savior. What does this word bring to mind for you? Undoubtedly, for those professing to be Christians or those who grew up in the church, Jesus crossed your mind. For others, perhaps it was a significant role model—a parent or grandparent who brought you where you are today. Maybe it has even been a dream or hope for the future, not a person, that you consider to have rescued you from a...

God Is Stronger Than Your Hidden Battles


Everyone faces different battles in life. Some are forced to be fought out in the open for all to see. Others are concealed beneath the surface, in holes so deep no one can truly observe their depth or their pain. For me, the biggest battle of my life has been fought internally within my mind. I’ve struggled with chronic loneliness, fear, and anxiety for as long as I can remember. For years I was...

3 Ways to Combat the Sin of Familiarity


I’ve always known about Jesus. From the time I was old enough to understand, I learned about creation, the cross, the resurrection, and the power and love of God. My parents lovingly took me to church, and Sunday school as a baby, toddler, and curly haired five-year-old. I recognized sin, and knew it was part of my life. I remember praying a prayer in my bed one morning, a little girl who wanted...

3 Ways Comparison Steals Your Identity


Everyone has a model to which they compare their lives, a kind of outfit they want to dress themselves in. As children, we had an unselfish kind of admiration. Our heroes, whether real or fictional, did good and left a beautiful difference on the world, so we resolved to do the same. But that was childhood. As we enter the teen years, our simple admiration turns to envy as we compare ourselves to...

Truth in the Face of National Tragedy


Valentine’s Day was stained with blood. The first thing I saw when I logged into Twitter was the words “school shooting” and “Florida” used in the same sentence. My first, selfish thought was, Where? Near here? And then, Oh no. Not again. Our collective hearts are heavy, not only with the news of this tragedy, but with the weight of similar horrors that seem to come on each other’s heels...

Why I Want You to Talk About My Sin


“We are not human doings, we are human beings.” Sitting across from three leaders (having years more of life experience which I wanted to honor), I couldn’t help my visceral reaction: I wanted to gag. I know. I know I know I know. People realize that human busyness is an issue and we need to spend more time on soul-care. I’ve heard. I do know this need is valid (very...

Your Parents’ Mistakes Don’t Define You


I was listening to a podcast interview with a famous YouTuber. As he shared his personal story and childhood in a matter of fact way, both of the hosts were in shock. Even the YouTuber’s emotional detachment from his to-the-point narrative style could not hide the trauma. “Wait, you mean your step-dad almost killed you and your mom?” the host asked at one point. The YouTuber...

10 Things I Hate About Myself


Yes, this is a rant post. Although it’s not your usual rant. It’s a rant about me, to me. The other day my best friend asked me that wonderful question: “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?” But of course, rather than just making myself feel a small portion of self-loathing, I used up all the fingers I have to list a whopping ten. Unfortunately...

How Do I Keep My Mind Clean?


“Help! Evil thoughts keep rising up and attacking me! I can’t stop it!” Does this ever describe how you feel? Do unwanted thoughts keep popping into your mind no matter how hard you resist them? Welcome to the club. Just about everybody can identify with you, to some degree or another. Whether it is sexual temptations, lies about identity, hatred toward others or self, ill-will toward...

Ann Voskamp: A Letter to My Son


I met Ann Voskamp at Patrick Henry College in September of 2011. She was there for a public interview with Marvin Olasky for WORLD Magazine and the coffee shop crowd was overflowing into the lobby. We all strained to hear the soft-spoken words of this homeschooling mother of six, this gentle wordsmith, who was championing gratitude for even the smallest of God’s good gifts. After the...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →