rebelling against low expectations


4 Ways To Maintain Purity In Online Guy/Girl Relationships


Guy/girl relationships can be confusing, can’t they? Guy/girl relationships online can be even more confusing. Does she like me? we wonder. Why is he emailing me? Why does she always comment on my posts? I think he’s flirting . . . is he flirting? Does she private message other guys . . . or just me? We stalk, we scroll, we like and comment, and before we know it, we have a full blown crush on...

Why Are Guys and Girls Different?


In philosophy, there is a phenomenon referred to as “common knowledge.” I’d like to think that the differences between guys and girls are common knowledge. However, in our culture, things that were once commonly known are becoming commonly disputed. One thing the world is trying to convince us of is that if guys and girls are really “equal”, they are also “the same.” When the fundamental...

Why Jesus Calls Us to Reach Out to People with Disabilities


Have you seen someone in a wheelchair today? Or someone who kept bobbing their head while flicking their hands without speaking? You probably haven’t. If you’re like most people, you didn’t notice them. Who are these individuals? They are people with developmental and cognitive disabilities. I don’t blame you for not noticing them. Most don’t. Who Have You Overlooked? It might be because you were...

3 Things My Adoption Has Taught Me About My Relationship with Christ


For many teens around the world, birthdays are a special time. Family and friends gather for parties, presents are exchanged, and candles on the top of the cake are blown out to the tune of “Happy Birthday.” Birthdays are a celebration of another year of life on this earth and even offer opportunities to reflect on God’s work in one’s life. I love birthday celebrations for...

One Way Teens Can Impact a World Beyond Their Own


“So, who wrote this book then if no one was living?” she asked, eyebrows scrunched, freckled face questioning me. I smiled, chuckling to myself, “That’s a great question kiddo. There’s even some adults who have never asked that! The book of Genesis was written by Moses because God told him what to write. Have you ever heard of ‘God-breathed’?” “Umm, no,” she replied. “Well, let’s go to 2 Timothy...

4 Tips for Being a God-Glorifying Sibling


Being a sibling is hard. I would know. I have nine unique little brothers and sisters that I’m called to love all the time. Sometimes it drives me bonkers! It can be hard to treat our siblings right, especially when we’re teenagers and our emotions are extra sensitive. As a brother or a sister, we know we should love our siblings regardless of how we are feeling, but how should we go about this...

Being Real in an “I’m Fine” World


“Hey! How are you doing?” a friend asks as she swiftly walks by. “I’m fine. How are you?” is the inevitable response shot back with almost no second thought. “I’m good,” she replies with a smile that serves as a mask shrouding a wounded heart. Being real is unpopular. Many times we would rather keep our struggles and temptations to ourselves and...

Jesus Was Savage: How Jesus Probably Would Have Offended You


People often refer to the Apostle Paul as the problematic writer in the New Testament. I’ve heard people say things like “I really like Jesus and his teachings, but what Paul wrote about women or slavery (or what-have-you) doesn’t sit with me. It seems outdated and offensive.” In reality, I’ve made similar comments myself as I wrestle with the writings of Paul. But I’ve been reading...

6 Ways to Pray for Your Crush


We’ve all been there-that one person who makes your heart feel fluttery and your face turn red. That one person you daydream about (before you catch yourself and turn your attention back to your Algebra homework). That one person who meets all of the superficial requirements on your mental future partner list. And even if you’ve decided not to date during this point in your life; and even if the...

10 Things Purity Was Never Meant to Be


I was the teenager reading Christian books about modesty, purity, and relationships. I often read my favorite books over and over again. I loved learning and striving to understand God’s design for my life as a Christian girl. I wore the purity ring. I read I Kissed Dating Goodbye. I saved sex for marriage. I saved my first kiss for my wedding day. I was that girl. Fast forward to today, and I...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →